Student Solution


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Business Strategy Discussion 7.1

Business Strategy Discussion 7.1

Q Go to Nestle Global (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and read the company’s latest sustainability report. To access this report, click “Creating Shared Value” on the homepage and then click “Water and Environmental Sustainability” in the menu on the left. Post a response to the following after reading the report: • What are Nestlé's key sustainable environmental policies? How is the company addressing sustainable social development? • How do these initiatives relate to the company's principles, values, culture, and its approach to competing in the food industry? • In what ways are these initiatives helping the company gain competitive advantage?

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Nestle is committed to building shred value through increasing access to the world to higher quality beverages and food over long-term while making a contribution towards environmentally sustainable economic and social development specifically in rural places. The approach of the company towards environmental stewardship is guided by three principles as follows: (1) responsibility of the company towards society, future and present; (2) desire of the company to delight consumers; and (3) dependence of the company on a sustainable environment by which resources of high quality can be provided required to produce good beverages and food.